The Matherly Family Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006

Jeff and Kelly are neck and neck again this week!!! Are they the only two Matherlys intelligent or brave enough to even try?!?!

Here are Jeff's submissions. Jeff got 4 and 5 right (generally). Good job Jeff!! But keep trying...

1. One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How could this be?
Terry's twin is not Kerry.

2. A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone else at the party who drank the same punch were poisoned and became very sick. Why did the man not get sick?
I dunno ... he was the one who poisoned the punch?

3. Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?
Easier to put cover back on cuz no orientation is needed?

4. A woman had two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year. But they were not twins. How could this be so?
One's adopted? or they were 2 of 3 triplets?

5. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?
I think Canada has a law against burying the living.

And here are Kelly's two submissions... #1 is mostly correct. If any one can provide a more clearly stated answer to this one, you'll get the points- but for now Kelly is closest! Good job, Mom!

#1 Either Terry wasn't Kerry's twin OR when they were born, it was near mid-night - one was born before midnight, the other was born after midnight and now they are on different continents where the days are different and therefore they celebrate two days apart!

#4 (I think) They were adopted.

Kelly closed her email with: "Thems my answers and I'm sticking with them. Let me know if you don't receive this!" And then I emailed her that I hadn't received them and she emailed them to me again... ;)


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